Entries from May 2007

Friday, May 25th, 2007

You All Everybody

I watch three television shows; Lost, Entourage and The Sopranos. Of those three, Lost is the only one that I really enjoy and that I look forward to watching each week. I was pumped up for the season finale, and was delighted that the show met my high expectations. I’m not going to try and [...]

Saturday, May 19th, 2007

My Frost Heave Destiny?

Last week I came across this article on SI.com by Alexander Wolff. Besides being an esteemed and award-winning writer for Sports Illustrated, Wolff also is the owner and president of the Vermont Frost Heaves, the defending champions in the American Basketball Association. Wolff is looking for a new GM for the Frost Heaves and encouraged [...]

Thursday, May 10th, 2007

Bachelor Party Heaven

Until last week I didn’t really get the whole bachelor party thing. I failed to grasp it from the “purely idealistic thinker” angle that greatly contributes to my overall weirdness. It seemed like the ritual was a pre-marital crisis for the bachelor as he sewed his wild oats. Meanwhile, his friends do their best to [...]

Wednesday, May 2nd, 2007

My Ode To Vonnegut

Kurt Vonnegut passed away last week and I’m pretty sure the world will miss him. I know I will. Perhaps this obit from the Economist is a more eloquent and informative description than anything I can write but I will give it a try anyway. Vonnegut’s stories were an ironic mix of satire, dark comedy [...]