Entries from February 2009

Monday, February 23rd, 2009

My Web Start-Up Fundamentals

I’ve been thinking about starting a new website or digital business with some of my free time. This is something I’m always thinking about. Recently, the itch has been compounded as a few of my friends, and people in my network, have shared some of their digital ideas with me. Like in many industries these [...]

Wednesday, February 18th, 2009

Awesome Website Bro: MP3Panda.com

My moral compass is going all haywire as if I was Locke on The Island (nerdy LOST reference) but this site is way too good not to tell you about it. Mp3Panda.com is a Russian operated website that allows you to download high quality music from just about every major recording artist and label in [...]

Tuesday, February 17th, 2009

Two Great Articles by Michael Lewis

Michael Lewis is an author who is best known for writing Liar’s Poker. The book is an account of his experience working as an Investment Banker at Solomon Brothers in the mid 1980′s. Lewis’ remarkable stories about the excesses of fiancĂ© quickly became Wall Street lore. Lewis has also written about Sillicon Valley (The New [...]

Wednesday, February 4th, 2009

Awesome Website Bro: DonorsChoose.org

  I had heard cool things about DonorsChoose.org but last night was the first time I visited the website. It is awesome. Donors Choose was started in the year 2000 in the Bronx by a social studies teacher. It is a not-for-profit website that allows public school teachers to request classroom project materials by submitting [...]