Monday, June 18th, 2007...10:52 pm

Sportsvite on WABC Morning News

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Sportsvite was featured on WABC morning news in New York City today. The feature ran at about 6:15 AM. I set my alarm and tried to wake-up to watch it but I fell back asleep. Thank go for TiVo., the website for WABC-TV, also featured the segment on their homepage for most of the day. You can watch it here.

I was supposed to go down to Central Park last week and meet with the Sportsvite players and WABC reporters but I had a business lunch that had already been rescheduled a few times and I couldn’t get out of it. So Vin gets the 15 minutes of fame. I’ve been giving him a hard time for dropping the Quidditch reference but he did a solid job.

I wrote more about the story and how it came about on the Sportsvite Blog.