Entries Tagged as 'career/business'

Sunday, April 10th, 2011

My Office Hours

Recently I’ve begun to use a cool new website called Ohours.org to both host and attend office hours sessions. Similar to how you might remember it in college, office hours are scheduled blocks of time where people can sign up to have a face to face meeting and talk shop about whatever is of interest. [...]

Thursday, December 9th, 2010

Sportsvite Highlights

When I’m not blogging or watching St. John’s (and now the Knickerbockers) Basketball, I’m pouring most of my heart, soul and herniated L5-S1 vertabrate into Sportsvite. This summer I moved into the General Manager role which has brought a whole new slew of managerial responsibilities. It’s been an interesting challenge. As Aristotle might have once [...]

Wednesday, September 1st, 2010

On Leadership and Management

I’ve recently stepped into a more active management role at Sportsvite. It’s completely different than the challenges I’ve faced so far in my career and it’s starting to change my entire view of business. I know just enough to know that I’m insecure by own inexperience in management and leadership (which I’ll use interchangeable because [...]

Monday, August 9th, 2010

Digital Start-Up Pro Forma Financial Model

During my senior year of college, I created a college basketball website called Littyhoops.com. This was back in the dark ages before blogs were popular so it took a considerable amount of effort to get the website up and running and then maintain it. I learned a ton about the web from the experience. One [...]

Thursday, May 27th, 2010

Littyhoops is all (Sports) Business

I’m spending more time thinking and writing about the intersection of sports, digital media and business. It seems like a no-brainer as these are probably my three favorite things to think about in this world (who knows what I’m up to in my flash-purgatory). I do realize that all you Littyhoopsters are not necessarily as [...]

Thursday, May 6th, 2010

My Story Through My Own Blog Posts

I’m pursuing an opportunity to join a unique and successful organization that is doing some amazing stuff in the world right now. As part of the application process, I was asked to share some of my accomplishments and personal interests especially as it relates to my academic and work successes, leadership roles and other activities. [...]

Thursday, March 4th, 2010

The Local Digital Marketing Conundrum/Opportunity

One of the most interesting business opportunities on the L-Hoops radar is the ability for small businesses to leverage digital to locally market to their customers. Put more plainly, how can the pizza place, neighborhood bar, barber shop, arcade, bowling alley or Japanese massage parlor use the web as a marketing tool to drive new [...]

Monday, February 1st, 2010

How To Evaluate A Startup Job Opportunity

People in my network sometimes hit me up to learn more about what it’s really like to work at a startup company. They are intrigued with the idea of having more control of their career path, a bigger stake in the success of their company, and a more passionate work environment. Then again, perhaps they [...]

Friday, October 2nd, 2009

Making Money Digitally

I fell in love with the internet for the same reasons I love college basketball, literature, travel and New York City. They are all vast, endless worlds in which you can seemingly discover something new every single time you visit. It’s almost impossible to get bored. A new website/book/city/bar or ESPN Big Monday night match-up [...]

Thursday, September 24th, 2009

Climbing Hills

This October will mark three full years that I have been working at Sportsvite. Not only is it the longest that I’ve been at one place, but I’m pretty sure I’ve spent more time working on Sportsvite than I have for any other project, goal or situation in my life (with the one obvious exception [...]