Friday, April 17th, 2009...12:33 am

Wearing Your Music On My Sleeve

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You may have noticed that I often sport a guitar string bracelet or two on my right wrist. I don’t wear a watch (aversion to time) so the bracelet sticks out and people often ask me about it. I’ll usually explain (unless I make up a ridiculous 9x exaggerated story) that the bracelet is made of guitar strings and they’re produced by a friend and business partner. If I’m in a good mood, I might just take the guitar strings off and present it to you as a good karma offering. I figure that if you enjoy wearing it as much as me, you’ll really appreciate the gift.

The bracelet’s are made by Wear Your Music, a company started by Steve Bernstein. At first, all of the bracelets were made from strings of famous musicians including the Rolling Stones’ Keith Richards, guitar legend Les Paul and heartthrob John Mayer. The overwhelming response inspired WYM to begin offering a line of lower priced bracelets. Steve is a former trader who left Wall Street to follow his love for music. He bought Relix Magazine and turned it into a media company called Zenbu that owns a bunch of music publications and websites and produces music events like the Jammy’s and the Green Apple Festival.

A few years ago, a mutual business contact introduced us to Steve. He wanted help putting together a “color war” sports competition for adults in New York City. At first we weren’t sure if we wanted to get involved in producing an actual event (we’re digital nerds) but ultimately we did it because Steve seemed like a guy who could make things happen and would be fun to work with. We partnered (along with the Corporate League) to organize the Battle For Manhattan in 2008. Check out this highlight video from the 5k run.

Each time I went to Steve’s office for a B for M meeting I’d grab a fresh supply of bracelets. I handed them out around the office and gave them away to friends. Once, I took one off of my wrist and gave it to a homeless guy who was eyeing it. The last one I gave away was to a girl from college who I hadn’t seen in awhile. She had lost her job and was down on her luck. I promised her the bracelet would turn everything. A few minutes later I saw her again and the bracelet was gone. She told me it had been stolen. I kind of felt bad for her AND the bracelet. They both deserved a better fate. Now I’m a bit more mindful who I share them with!

I ran out of bracelets a few months ago and spent most of the winter with a naked and exposed wrist. We decided not to continue the Battle For Manhattan in 2009 so I hadn’t connected with Steve in awhile. I even shot him an email saying that we should catch up, but my true motive was just to get back into his office so I could stuf my pockets with a refill of new brass!

A few weeks ago, on my birthday, I was at dinner with my family when I realized my mom was wearing a bunch of guitar string bracelets! I couldn’t believe the coincidence and asked her a) where she got them and b) if I could have them! She gladly handed them over but then lamented that she was trying to sell them as fundraising effort for a charitable foundation. I then reminded her that although it was my birthday, it was her lucky day, as her only son happens to be a starving and fledging blogger desperately cultivating YBIML as a way to reach the masses! (FYI – This is mere weeks before my sister @nhltvgirl became a celebrity twitterer. If you ask Lisa, she is neck and neck with Ashton in adding new followers!)

So here’s the deal. The bracelets are $10 each. The entire $10 goes to the Sass Foundation which helps in the fight against cancer. If you buy one, I will chip in for another $10 and give you two for the price of one. I might also mention you by name in an upcoming blog post (hint hint). The only condition is that you have to give the other bracelet to somebody you really care about or who really needs it!

If you’re interested (by now you best be) you can pay me in person or by paypal ( I’ll have my mom send you the bracelets (free shipping). I think she has most of the different colors. Right now I’m rocking party purple although rock star red, black and guitar god gold are my top three. Simply silver is cool but looks too much like those freaky magnetic bands.

How many

There you have. Bet you never thought YBIML would help you accessorize.

PS – The one size fits all bracelets somehow magically fit perfectly to your wrist. It’s sensational

  • Amy

    sold. obviously.