Entries Tagged as 'career/business'

Wednesday, June 10th, 2009

Fantwitsy Sports

I’ve been aimlessly chirping away on Twitter for awhile now. Make no mistake, my random tweets are extraordinarily unexceptional as I ponder man vs. mosquito or the physical beauty of brothers Van Gundy. But I certainly have been learning firsthand about the Twitter platform and how people are interacting and communicating in interesting new ways. [...]

Monday, May 4th, 2009

Sportsvite’s In The Market For A Digital Wiz Kid

Sportsvite is looking for a dynamic, brilliant, tireless, creative, passionate digital marketing manager. Below is the actual job description but here are the real requirements 1) Loves sports and actively plays/participates in sports activities 2) Digital and social media wiz – I’ll first check out all their online profiles and presence (facebook, twitter, blogs, sportsvite [...]

Wednesday, April 15th, 2009

Wager The World

A few months ago I jotted down some notes on some of my start-up fundamentals for a new web venture. It included the concepts of digital crack, core strengths, social media, SEO, cult community, A&O and revenue steams. If you’re wondering what any of these things mean it’s probably easiest to go back to the [...]

Monday, February 23rd, 2009

My Web Start-Up Fundamentals

I’ve been thinking about starting a new website or digital business with some of my free time. This is something I’m always thinking about. Recently, the itch has been compounded as a few of my friends, and people in my network, have shared some of their digital ideas with me. Like in many industries these [...]

Tuesday, February 17th, 2009

Two Great Articles by Michael Lewis

Michael Lewis is an author who is best known for writing Liar’s Poker. The book is an account of his experience working as an Investment Banker at Solomon Brothers in the mid 1980′s. Lewis’ remarkable stories about the excesses of fiancĂ© quickly became Wall Street lore. Lewis has also written about Sillicon Valley (The New [...]

Tuesday, December 23rd, 2008

When I Wasn’t As Smart, I Was Pretty Sure I Knew Everything

When I was a young impressionable lad (think the late 90′s!) I used to write down all my “life lessons” in a marble notebook. I was experiencing and learning so much so quickly that I felt like I needed to put it on paper to make it real, and more importantly, make it part of [...]

Thursday, December 18th, 2008

Am I A Writer?

That is a question I’ve been asking myself recently. Sure I like to write. In fact, it seems like I’ve been writing in one form or another over the past 10 years. In high school, I wrote for my school paper, the Guide Post. I enjoyed writing papers in college (especially this essay). I had [...]

Tuesday, December 16th, 2008

Exploring India

Next week I’m off to India for a few weeks. The primary reason for the trip is to attend the wedding of my colleague and friend Param and his soon to be wife Rohini in New Delhi. From what I have been told, and what the invitation/booklet informs me, a traditional sikh wedding is quite [...]

Thursday, October 30th, 2008

Wanted: Reliable, Dependable, Honest and Hard Worker

A good friend who works in finance for a hedge fund is interested in diversifying his personal investment portfolio. He’s lost some trust in the short term markets and doesn’t want both his career and investments to be completely reliant upon the unpredictable and irrational swings in the current market. One investment that he is [...]

Friday, October 24th, 2008

This Dude is Chillin

I came across this news story last night and it’s just too good. There is a hedge fund manager in Los Angles named Andrew Lahde. Last year he made a whoppingly insane 866% return by betting on the subprime mortage collapse. He recently announced that he is leaving the hedge fund business with a letter [...]